B. inggris ANTSAnts are social insects. They are like people, live in families and build their own houses or nests. But a family of ants may consist of tens of thousands ants. Each ant has its own works to do. There are hunters, workers and soldiers. The hunters hunt for food for all the ants in the nests. The workers build the nest. Most ants make their nests in the ground. The workers dig holes in the ground and make rooms. The soldiers guard the nests again the strangers and enemies. The workers and the soldiers get their food from the hunters. The queen is a special ant. It gets special food from the hunters. It does not have to work. Her only job is to lay egg.The ants are very interesting. They have been running about everywhere. They seem very busy. They have been looking for food. When an ant finds something, it takes it to the nest. If one ant cannot carry it, it calls its friends to help.ANALIZING A REPORT TEXT OF ANTS.1. WHAT IS THE TITLE OF TEXT? 2. HOW MANY PARAGHRAPS ARE THERE? 3. HOW DOES THE WRITER CLASSIFY ANTS? 4. WHAT THINGS DOES THE WRITER DESCRIBE ABOUT ANTS?5. WHO DO YOU THINK THE WRITER? traceyquigleyulv – June 04, 2023
B. inggris Apa makna dari lagu "somewhere beyond the blue". jelaskan makna nya secara singkat. :) traceyquigleyulv – June 04, 2023
B. inggris Bantuin dong. tentukan pola kalimat dari : tentukan subject, verb dan lain2 1. We were watching the programme yesterday 2. They paid the exam fees for me 3. I feel happy now 4. They walked slowly to pass away the time5. They selected him the president 6. She donated blood to the sick person7. Every Sunday I meet him at the railway station to collect the parcel 8.She go fast 9 . You are upset now traceyquigleyulv – June 04, 2023
B. inggris Mira.. her hamster before he dieda. lovingb. lovesc. lovedd. loveJAWAB PAKE PENJELASAN, GA PAKE PENJELASAN REPORTNGASAL? REPORT traceyquigleyulv – May 31, 2023
B. inggris tonlOng dong ka hari Senin besok harus dikumpulkan plisss traceyquigleyulv – March 04, 2023